Developer Blog

EFB WebColloquium 2022

At March 29-30, 2022 the EFB WebColloquium will take place on the topic of Presses, systems, processes of the future, efficiency + digitalization and our company will also be represented with a presentation.

In companies, the cloud has been a topic for years and many employees use it directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously. According to forecasts, cloud applications will continue to grow strongly and data volumes will be provided up to a maximum. And this is exactly where the presentation of ourtechnical director J. Weingarten at the EFB WebKolloquium picks up.

Cloud-based production – vision or myth

The presentation will discuss general and specific solutions for cloud-based production and, in particular, take a closer look at the topics of security and global site connectivity. The advantages for an adaptable and scalable production as well as the implementation with evoTrQ are presented and explained in examples.

The complete program of the WebColloquium can be viewed here:

Under the following link you can register for the EFB WebColloquium:

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