evopro systems engineering AG


(as of July 2022)

Our whistleblower system

As part of the Bertrandt Group we conduct our business within the framework of the applicable laws and regulations and comply with the ethical standards of our Industry. These principles of entrepreneurial action are laid down in various codes of conduct at Bertrandt AG, which are binding for our employees. We do not tolerate misconduct. If you discover or suspect any misconduct on our part, please inform us. Employees, business partners, customers or other third parties have the opportunity to provide information.

How to report possible misconduct or suspicions

The following link will take you to the Bertrandt Group’s online reporting system, where you can enter your report anonymously and in a protected area if you wish. Subsequent communication can also take place anonymously via the system if desired.

evopro systems engineering AG

Services Portal

The website of the company evopro systems engineering AG is regularly updated and checked for correctness.

