The “7th Automotive Advanced Manufacturing Technology Summit” was successfully concluded from March 24th to 26th, 2021 at the Hilton Hefei, China.
EMG Beijing was invited to attend the summit and presented EMG’s technical solutions for the automotive industry. Participation enabled existing partnerships to be consolidated and potential customers to be found for market development.
The conference lasted 3 days, a total of 68 keynote presentations and 4 workshop seminars attracted 1,052 participants, 718 of whom were from OEMs and assembly companies, which attracted a lot of attention in the industry. The ATC Summit received a lot of attention from the industry and related automotive industries and became the communication platform for improving the automotive manufacturing process and researching the technology. It provided an opportunity for extensive communication on the improvement of welding and coating technologies, intelligent manufacturing, big data acquisition and application, etc.
EMG attended the meeting together evopro part and showed that EMG & evopro offer intelligent solutions for automotive manufacturing. At the end of the talk, Mr. Rudong Hao from EMG Beijing answered the other participants’ questions and continued the active interaction, offering better solutions for the bottleneck in production management and for faster development in the automotive industry.
The EMG quality assurance systems primarily include devices such as online oil layer measurement ( EMG SOLID ® ), Online measurement of material properties ( EMG IMPOC ) and the laser-optical online surface roughness measurement ( EMG SORM 3plus ).
The evopro systems engineering AG specializes in cross-technology solutions in the industrial environment that deal with the development and construction of systems, electronics and software in the automotive, semiconductor and mechanical engineering sectors.
evopro provides solutions for online blank laser marking and reading as well as for online surface defect inspection in order to realize the multi-stage acquisition of production process parameters, big data management and the tracking of warehouse logistics information.
Source: EMG Automation (Beijing) Limited
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